Sunday, October 21, 2012

In Memoriam

Remembering Elby

His brother’s friends would seldom have discovered
that two sons had been born to Elby’s mother
no pictures did he show of older brother
and proudly he would indicate the others.
Poor Elby had died long before his suicide.

The much repeated stories of the family
excluded any references to Elby
as though their brother were a shameful memory
quite consciously abolished from their history.
Poor Elby had died long before his suicide.

Paternal identity seemed a family shame
entombed in the ignominy of Elby’s name.
His mother married and his siblings changed their name
but Elby was rejected as though he were to blame.
Poor Elby had died long before his suicide.

Misfit and outcast, dispatched to institutions
abandoned to a life of social destitution
with rare invitations from family relations
there’s nought to lose or gain he felt upon reflection.
Poor Elby had died long before his suicide.

A settlement they shared as though to seal a pact
that the truth of Elby’s life and the cause of his last act
would be bottled up in secrecy and abandoned to the tide.
Poor Elby had died long before his suicide.

The loss of a child his mother once declared
was a tragedy she was thankful to say she had been spared.
Unremembered he had vanished along with the tide.
Poor Elby had died way long before his suicide.